10oz的牛扒加上吃也吃不完的意粉,磨蹭了近2個鐘終於到了甜品環節,a la carte的甜品有4-5種選擇,老闆Ciaran推薦的是朱古力芭菲,以朱古力配埋微量whisky製成似雪糕又似慕斯質地的朱古力圓柱,吃的時候更要至上而下淋上熱熔黑朱古力醬,造就冰火效果。黑朱古力醬醇厚而朱古力味濃郁,使得甜度大大降低,whisky扮演尾調的角色,呼應一開始醇香朱古力的甘醇口味,果然是推薦之作。
唔知大家有無聽過伊甸園的故事呢? 據聖經記載,上帝按照自己的形像創造了人類,並把他們安置在伊甸園裡。而伊甸園在聖經的原文中是含有快樂和愉快園子的意思。早前筆者就有幸獲得一間位於銅鑼灣的樓上店,「伊甸玫瑰 Eden Rose Restaurant」的邀請,與幾位食友一起來品嚐餐廳為我們準備的 tasting menu。雖然未知其菜式水準如何,但單聽那仿如世外桃源般的餐廳名字,巳足夠令人期待。其實「Eden Rose」雖然是樓上舖,但位置一點也不難找,由銅鑼灣 B 出口轉左,只需幾分鐘路程便到,交通絕頂方便。至於餐廳內裡裝潢,以閃爍的水晶吊燈配上絲絨紅沙發及黑色餐桌,滿是浪漫情調,非常適合情侶約會及用膳。拍過照後,大家都已急不及待,準備開餐。先試侍者剛放下的香草蒜茸包 ($32),其實這客蒜茸包本身淨吃都已經相當可口,因咬落不單香脆熱暖,還帶著濃厚的香草味;不過原來塗上附設的蕃茄沙沙後,味道更是清新迷人,好吃得要再次 encore。接著出場的兩款 starters,分別為香煎鵝肝配脆多士 ($68) 及龍蝦雲吞。即煎現吃的鵝肝,雖然 size 較細,但入口肥美香脆,油甘豐腴,配上
唔知大家有無聽過伊甸園的故事呢? 據聖經記載,上帝按照自己的形像創造了人類,並把他們安置在伊甸園裡。而伊甸園在聖經的原文中是含有快樂和愉快園子的意思。早前筆者就有幸獲得一間位於銅鑼灣的樓上店,「伊甸玫瑰 Eden Rose Restaurant」的邀請,與幾位食友一起來品嚐餐廳為我們準備的 tasting menu。雖然未知其菜式水準如何,但單聽那仿如世外桃源般的餐廳名字,巳足夠令人期待。
Eden Rose (Rosa 'Eden') @}-,-`------- is a light pink and white climbing rose which is much prettier than the common rose in my point of view.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxEver since I saw the tasting reviews I was hoping to try it and luckily I was on their invitation list.When I arrived, I was greeted with some nice chandeliers.The decor of the restaurant was really nice and couture, it was black and red with matching patterned wallpaper.The sofa at the far end was red and covered in velv
Eden Rose (Rosa 'Eden') @}-,-`------- is a light pink and white climbing rose which is much prettier than the common rose in my point of view. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ever since I saw the tasting reviews I was hoping to try it and luckily I was on their invitation list.
When I arrived, I was greeted with some nice chandeliers.
The decor of the restaurant was really nice and couture, it was black and red with matching patterned wallpaper. The sofa at the far end was red and covered in velvet with sparkling bling sofa buttons.
After settling down, we were given the tasting menu with a difficult choice because they were all the items I wanted to try but we shared it so I tried everything. ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Garlic bread with tomato chutney: The garlic bread was really nice and the tomato chutney that came with it was a nice pairing, it was similar to having a tomato foccacia. Apart from garlic there were other herbs on the bread which gave it a fragrant taste, the tomato chutney was mixed with delicious basil leaves.
★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Foie gras toast: The foie gras was nice and creamy and the caramelized apple garnishing gave the palate a lovely sweetness after finishing the foie gras. The apple was presented really nice with golden caramelized coating on it.
★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Lobster ravioli with lobster sauce: The ravioli looked really nice and it was covered with rich lobster sauce. The ravioli filling could be improved slightly because it was rather firm, it reminded me of the sliced lobster balls wrapped in ravioli pastry. [I felt that they were the lobster version of fishballs which are made with grounded fish and flour]. Despite the firm filling, the lobster sauce made up for it.
★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Lobster bisque: The lobster bisque was strong and had a strong crustacean taste. It tasted similar to the lobster sauce on the ravioli but it was not as strong as that.
★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Crab risotto with black truffle: The crab risotto was presented beautifully on some small pebbles and the truffle was served separately which was good because you could taste the risotto alone. The risotto tasted good with or without the truffle. The risotto was rich and had a hint of cheese which had a chalky hard texture packed with lots of crabmeat. After the truffle was added, the risotto did not taste so heavy and the truffle added a hint of saltiness to it.
★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ NZ rib eye steak with baked potato and green salad: The steak was juicy and the gravy that came with it complemented it very well because it had freshly grounded black pepper. The baked potato was done nicely because the insides of the potato were scooped out and mashed so that it was nice and soft and evenly flavoured after it was baked.
★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Roasted seabass filet in mixed vegetable stock: The seabass was cooked just right and the texture was delicate. It was surrounded in delicious vegetable soup, sliced asparagus, celery, onions, fennel and other vegetables. The combination of the soup and seabass was great because it made the fish stand out while the soup kept it hot and moist. It similar to eating a light version of fish bouillabaisse.
★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Chocolate parfait: It was fun pouring the chocolate sauce on top melting the parfait. The taste of the chocolate was rich too because they used Valhrona chocolate.
★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Drinks: There were lots of choices for coffee/latte and cappuccino which were delectable for everyone. ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ I really liked the concept of Eden Rose because for their a la Carte menu, you can make it a set or just order any items a la carte to your liking which is a win win situation for the restaurant and the customers because the customer is not forced to get unwanted/disliked items on the menu which acts as a filler and the restaurant can still get revenue without the customer leaving because the menu is not flexible.
[b]Price:[/b] $0
[b]Service:[/b] Great
[b]Yummy factor:[/b] Delicious
[b]Sweetness levels:[/b] Just right
[b]MSG levels:[/b] None
[b]Napkins provided:[/b] Yes
[b]Toilets:[/b] Yes
[b]Glass of water provided:[/b] Yes
[b]English Menu:[/b] Yes
[b]Air Conditioning:[/b] Yes