觸不到的愛 Love is Air (芒果梳乎厘) $58 觸不到的愛 Love is Air 之中的 Air,令我想到食梳乎厘好像一陣風!如果說愛情的話,來又如風,離又如風....絕對是觸不到的愛!對愛情充滿期盼!然而,等上這款甜品等到頸都長,到頭來,一遜間便吃掉!形容這甜品的確很貼切! 店方要焗製梳乎厘只需 10 多分鐘,如要點這款甜品,最好第一時間落單!免得有排得! 梳乎厘質感鬆軟輕盈,混合了愛文芒果的關係,散發芒果的果香,口味怡人!味道微甜!
I bought a Groupon deal where you get a $40 voucher that is good for $70 worth of food. Boyfriend and I came here and there was no line as we arrived at 9 PM on a Wednesday night. Though, by the time we left, there was a huge line outside.A little background of the place. Mangochacha is from Taiwan and as you can guess from the name, it serves everything mango. Yes, for those wondering .... this is the Taiwan equivalent of Hui Lau San. Though Hui Lau San uses the yellow, skinny mangos more popul
I bought a Groupon deal where you get a $40 voucher that is good for $70 worth of food. Boyfriend and I came here and there was no line as we arrived at 9 PM on a Wednesday night. Though, by the time we left, there was a huge line outside.
A little background of the place. Mangochacha is from Taiwan and as you can guess from the name, it serves everything mango. Yes, for those wondering .... this is the Taiwan equivalent of Hui Lau San. Though Hui Lau San uses the yellow, skinny mangos more popularly seen in the Phillippines and Mangochacha uses the red/orange round ones more popularly seen in India or if you grew up in North America ... Mexico.
The place is a rather small and located in the same small side road with all the bars in Tsim Sha Tsui. It has a bright orange and white interior ... how very mango in tone. Menu items ranged from waffles with mango, mango smoothies, mango tea, mango puff pastry and a series of mango snowy ice. They even sell a plate of just sliced mango for $32. So, if you're not a fan of mango ... you've come to the wrong place. All desserts were from $50 - 70.
Boyfriend and I ordered a mango snowflake ice, with mango ice cream, mango bits and shaved brown sugar ice. Cost $68. The ice was extremely soft much like ... yes, snow. And lots of very artificial mango flavor. Inside was a hill of shaved ice drizzled in brown sugar syrup which was quite good though nit very finely shaved as I did bite in to large chunks. The mango ice cream was smooth but not very strong mango flavor. And the fresh mango? Yes, sweet. Portion size was enough to share between two people.
Since it's newly opened shop, if you like their Facebook page, they will give you a small glass of fresh mango juice. Though, we had to remind them to give it to us as it was very busy and getting a glass of water was hard enough, it did come promptly after asking for it. Taste? Kinda of like watered down mango juice. But it's free ... so, can't complain I guess? I'd hate to pay for it.
I still have one more Groupon voucher, so I will return. We will try something else. But personally, for $68, it wasn't worth the price. Glad I paid a Groupon deal for this.
Mangochacha來自台灣,以綿花冰、剉冰等芒果冰品出名,更獲得米芝蓮的推介,所以出席grand opening時,心情很興奮。Mangochacha的店採用與主題芒果甜品一樣的橙黃色,橙色牆身,白色桌椅,加上暗黃的燈光,感覺很溫暖;大部份座位爲活動組合的2人位,但亦有部分適合4-6人的卡位,自成一角聊天最好不過。店方採用的芒果是屏東枋山與台南玉井外銷日本的愛文芒,表皮色澤7成以上是紅色,甜度12-15度,援引日本料理刺身的保鮮方法,在盛産時大量採收急凍處理,所一年四季都能供應高質素的愛文芒。嘗試了很多種不同的甜品,與大家分享其中幾款最愛。首先是芒果綿花冰(豪華版),此冰品由芒果雪糕、芒果雪花冰和芒果組成。綿花冰芒果味甚濃,完全沒有落芒果醬,靠自己的果甜帶動整個甜品的味道;冰做得非常幼細,入口即融,忍不住一啖又一啖。芒果雪糕亦十分驚喜,芒果味與奶味平衡得剛好,芒果味很fresh,不會大甜,亦沒有雪藏過久而產左的冰沙問題。而芒果當是重點,非常足料,芒果粒全都有2cm x 2cm的大小,不起筋,一啖放進口,很滿足又有咬口。Mangochacha有一特別的芒果食法:加海鹽。舌尖的微鹹引出
早排在東京原宿出trip聽聞一間很出名專賣愛文芒果的綿花冰店MANGOCHACHA開張特登走去試,結果排左我半個鐘,直到前幾日返到香港朋友約我係尖沙咀食野,原來就係上次係日本食既MANGOCHACHA開到黎香港,我同我朋友狂點狂叫,因為上次在日本太貴啦,香港足足平佢一半,正....等我介紹下幾樣主打啦...呢款原來中文叫舊情人,味道跟日本一模一樣,芒果似JELLY,完全無酸味,又唔會太甜,夠新鮮,雪糕內有果肉超有口感,兩溝冰一齊食,真係無敵,10個GOOD,賣相仲比日本好睇LOVE IS AIR,香港限定,日本都無得食啊,芒果香完全入哂個梳芺厔厘到,齒夾留香,又夠軟,就係等既時間有D長裝修舒服,MENU又靚又吸引,就係等位個下有D想死,好彩比東京等既時間短,地點都算易搵.....
呢款原來中文叫舊情人,味道跟日本一模一樣,芒果似JELLY,完全無酸味,又唔會太甜,夠新鮮,雪糕內有果肉超有口感,兩溝冰一齊食,真係無敵,10個GOOD,賣相仲比日本好睇LOVE IS AIR,香港限定,日本都無得食啊,芒果香完全入哂個梳芺厔厘到,齒夾留香,又夠軟,就係等既時間有D長裝修舒服,MENU又靚又吸引,就係等位個下有D想死,好彩比東京等既時間短,地點都算易搵.....
芒果汁Mango Juice $38 嚐芒之旅,就由平實天然無添加的芒果汁揭開了序幕。據負責人所講,芒果汁以果肉加清水攪拌而成,兩者的比例是商業秘密,不便透露了。 芒果汁以天然的滋味,帶來清新而輕盈的口感,不甜不膩。你對我的愛,不也是純天然無添加,恰如一杯芒果汁嗎?新張期間,like其Facebook專頁,就可獲贈細杯芒果汁。
冷熱激情Mango Puff Roll $58 嚴肅古板的你,是一條長型的空心卷酥皮。外表開通講道理,實質守舊迂腐,巧如酥皮表裏不一的本質。酥皮外層似西式酥皮,然沒有層層香脆鬆化的質感;內層,反而有著中式餡餅的豐厚且煙韌軟熟口感。而我,則是那一條冰凍的「愛文芒」,某日,闖進你的生命,為你枯燥乏味的生活泛起一陣陣漣漪,帶來一點點的激情。你我,無疑是一條芒果酥皮捲的化身。一老一嫩,一冷一熱,冰火交融的強烈對比。
觸不到的愛Love is Air $58 愛是需要長時間的付出及培養的,看不到、觸不到,但卻真實存在的。我倆的爺孫情,不知不覺,已有N年了﹗芒果梳乎厘讓我久候了足足四十五分鐘才送上,然而,不消五秒時間就被我吞噬了。吃完,頗有患得患失之感。好味嗎?絕對好味。梳乎厘入口幼滑輕盈無比,帶愛文芒的獨有清香,芳香撲鼻,質感如棉花糖般嬌嫩,虛無得如吞下了空氣似的。大廚在器皿底部灑上了砂糖,形成一層薄薄的焦糖,為梳乎厘加添一份的焦香。