5-min walk from Exit A2, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station continue reading
ABC Kitchen is a unqiue restaurant combining various Western flavors together. Its signature dishes originate from Spain, Brazil, France, etc. Some of the restaurant's most popular dishes include the suckling pig, seafood paella and eggs benedict. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
19:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 14:30
19:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (253)
🔤ABC Kitchen🔤皇后熟食中心竟然有西餐!喺熟食中心,就一定冇出面嘅西餐廳咁華麗,但佢有好 iconic 嘅紅白格仔枱布🔴⚪️環境都好乾淨企理, 同朋友嚟食飯,一啲都唔失禮. 兩次嚟食都要訂位, 餐廳都係坐滿人👀老細同埋服務員都好親切,會詳細介紹每一道餸~————————————————感想:❆ 油封鴨脾伴香橙及甜菜頭沙律 Duck Confit with orange and beets salad $228鴨肉好嫩,夾埋佢個香橙汁一齊食係啱啱好可以解膩🦆❆ 西班牙燒乳豬配薯蓉及酸什菜 Roasted Suckling Pig ~ served on verdures agridulces and mashed potato $218燒乳豬豬皮好脆,但同時肉質鮮嫩,鋪喺底嘅薯蓉吸晒啲汁好入味🫶🏻❆ 巴伐洛娃蛋白餅 Pavlova $68入口溶化,蛋白霜唔會太甜,配埋酸度啱啱好嘅水果,以呢個價錢食到咁嘅質素實在太物超所值🥹真係CP值幾高,樣樣都好好食,隱藏既西餐廳🥰🇫🇷————————————————整體:✦ 價格: 4.5/5✦ 味道: 4.4/5✦ 服務: 4.5/5✦ 環境: 3.9/5✦ 再訪指數: 4.4/5 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-01-21
之前睇Youtube見到有人推介ABC,所以一直都好想黎試。今次適逢係記念日,二話不說就打電話黎訂台!ABC佢為一間西餐廳,竟然坐立係熟食市場入面,十分有gimmick。而且皇后街呢個熟食市場亦相對乾淨企理,除咗本地人之外,亦不少外國人同遊客幫襯。一坐低職員就問你要唔要點杯酒,然後介紹左呢枝岩女仔又易入口既Moscato,味道偏甜,個人非常喜歡。精選生蠔 (市價)今次頭盤點左職員介紹既法國生蠔,生蠔好新鮮,而且海水味濃,唔錯!龍蝦湯 $98味道濃郁,入面有幾塊龍蝦肉,夠睇頭亦十分美味。香煎鵝肝配蘋果醬 $138鵝肝好大一塊,外脆內軟,配上麵包同蘋果醬,酸酸甜甜,亦可以剔咗鵝肝嘅腥味,必點!西班牙乳豬配薯蓉及酸什菜 $218乳豬皮烤得好香脆,入面嘅肉質幼嫩,配上薯蓉同酸菜,減少油膩感。頂級肉眼配發豆及長薯仔 $338牛扒叫左5成熟,雖然今次火喉稍微過咗少少,但本身個調味同肉味都岩口味,所以唔太影響。金萬利香橙疏乎厘 $68最後甜品點左疏乎厘,即叫即整,製作需時。疏乎厘做到空氣感,有種棉密泡泡係口中化開既口感。入面亦有橙皮,所以好香橙味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-15
午飯時間,同事推介我去上環皇后街熟食中心食嘢,估唔到入邊竟然有西餐食間鋪有lunch set,包主菜同飲品,我揀咗班尼迪蛋,聽店員講成日好快賣晒,上碟就知點解,因為真係幾足料,煙三文魚勁大塊,而班尼迪蛋亦都係留心嘅,醬汁亦都係正宗荷蘭醬,加埋伴碟嘅沙律, $80真係超值!同事叫咗意粉、risotto, pizza都覺得唔錯,唯一唔好就係呢度油煙比較大,扣咗啲分 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-11
I like the concept of ABC Kitchen, which stands for A B(etter) C(ooking) Kitchen. It is located in the food court and specializes in creating affordable and refined Western cuisine. It's truly a hidden gem!The ABC Cheese Pizza 🍕 is simple yet satisfying, with a combination of cheese and tomatoes that won't disappoint.The pizza is pretty normal, but the crust is thin enough, and it has a strong cheese flavour. However, when eating it, it doesn't feel too greasy. If one person eats it, they can finish the whole thing.Regarding the dinner menu, most of the dishes at ABC are complicated Italian cuisine, and many of them require pre-preparation, I will come back again to try their dinner next time.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-25
諗都冇諗過大牌檔裏面竟然有法國菜食仲要唔錯添.係特別的體驗有大牌檔的風味配上有質素的食物個人認為Mussels 同乳豬都係必點Mussels 份量好足忌廉汁好正燒乳豬外脆內軟大推.而且老闆店員都好friendly好有feel 🫶🏼 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)