自從2003年瘋牛症爆發之後,美國連骨牛肉便被禁止入口香港,幌眼十年,這禁令近日終於宣佈解除,從今以後,美國連骨牛肉便可輸入香港,而香港首家率先進口美國連骨牛肉的餐廳,就是在尖沙咀K11商場內的高級扒房 Steik World Meats。為了慶祝這愛吃優質美國牛肉人士的喜訊,Steik World Meats 特地邀請了部分飲食博客前往出席餐廳舉辦的 Welcome Back US Beef on the Bone Blogger Dinner 。有幸地,自己當日也能參與其中,優先品嚐這晚扒房供應的美國頂級連骨牛扒和其他各款精彩菜式。這晚的牛之盛宴在扒房內佈置典雅華麗的獨立廂房進行,在座者除了多位食友之外,還有扒房所屬饕餮集團市場部的兩位要員,而扒房的行政總廚 Brian Moore 也在用餐途中亮相,與我們一眾食友打個招呼。在細說這晚盛宴的各款美味食物之前,首先介紹一下扒房內的環境。雖然這夜我們是在廂房內用膳,但在晚宴正式舉行之前,我們各人都有到扒房內的開放式廚房前,觀看扒房大廚們為我們準備的飛機運到美國連骨牛扒的真身。原來這些牛扒在運來香港之後,餐廳便會為它們進行為期兩星期的嚴密
自從2003年瘋牛症爆發之後,美國連骨牛肉便被禁止入口香港,幌眼十年,這禁令近日終於宣佈解除,從今以後,美國連骨牛肉便可輸入香港,而香港首家率先進口美國連骨牛肉的餐廳,就是在尖沙咀K11商場內的高級扒房 Steik World Meats。
為了慶祝這愛吃優質美國牛肉人士的喜訊,Steik World Meats 特地邀請了部分飲食博客前往出席餐廳舉辦的 Welcome Back US Beef on the Bone Blogger Dinner 。有幸地,自己當日也能參與其中,優先品嚐這晚扒房供應的美國頂級連骨牛扒和其他各款精彩菜式。
這晚的牛之盛宴在扒房內佈置典雅華麗的獨立廂房進行,在座者除了多位食友之外,還有扒房所屬饕餮集團市場部的兩位要員,而扒房的行政總廚 Brian Moore 也在用餐途中亮相,與我們一眾食友打個招呼。
吃過三道精緻的頭盤之後,主角終於在各人的熱切期待中上場。這夜的晚宴共有十二人,我們每四個人可享用兩大碟十分巨型的美國連骨牛扒,還有極為美味的 Potato Gratin with Gruyere Cheese「烤芝士薯批」和大量蔬菜伴吃。
這晚的主角美國連骨牛扒,按等級劃分其實可以分為三等,而這夜我們所試的,是最優質的 Prime Grading Dry Aged US Prime Rib of Beef on the Bone (36oz/1kg,$1,128)和次優質的 Server's Choice Grading Dry Aged US Prime Rib of Beef on the Bone(36oz/1kg,$998),兩者都是來自美國中部內布拉斯加州,從飛機空運而來。因為當地的農民只會用粟米餵飼牛隻,所以當地出產的牛扒肉味特別濃厚,而且脂肪分布也特別平均。餐廳之所以會把兩種不同等級的牛扒給我們品嚐,是想我們能即時同時比較出兩種不同級數牛扒的分別,還建議我們先試 Server's Choice Grading 的,之後再試更優質的 Prime Grading ,以便更容易分辨出兩者在質素上的不同。
Dry aged US prime rib of beef on the bone prime grading 這個頂級牛排真的牛如其名, 頂級好吃! 牛肉味還要比第二級的濃郁很多 是一咬的時候就能吃到其牛肉香, 肉質也比已經很鬆的servers choice鬆化不少 還帶上油脂的部份, 肉香油香十足, 超美味的! 要我再來我也是會很想吃這個 連牛骨上的牛肉都很香, 我們都忍不住全部吃光光, 好吃!
Steik World Meats Dessert Platter 牛排館的甜點也是不能錯過的一個項目, 不過於我來說, 我比較喜歡淺嚐甜點就很滿足了 這裡的甜點可拼作一起作拼盤, 能拼三款的也能拼四款 我們的拼盤有: Classic Pavlova, Lemon and Kaffir Lime Tart, Baked Blueberry Cheesecake New York Style, Sticky Date Pudding
Dry aged US prime rib of beef on the bone servers choice - prime grading $1128: 8分, 終於輪到是晚的主角出場, 就是美國帶骨牛肉. 先試的是prime grading, 當然是水準較高的. 除了牛本身的質素之外, 也因為dry aged的緣故, 肉味是相當濃郁的, 質感仍是很嫩滑的. 帶脂肪的部份更是肥美, 是邪惡一點, 但在那刻, 又實在令人難以抗拒. 值得一提的是這客beef on the bone, 是一上檯的時候已經聞到那陣香濃的肉味, 真是未吃已經教人動容了.
另一款Dry aged US Prime Rib of Beef on the Bone,Prime Grading,侍應說我們應該吃Server’s Choice Grading之後再吃Prime Grading,因為Prime Grading肉味的層次更好,比剛才的Server’s Choice Grading更濃。如果喜歡吃肉味濃的牛扒,這塊扒是非常好的,因為它並不需要添加任何佐料,肉味已經很濃。
甜品併盤一共有四款甜品,其中有兩款比較突出。Caramel and nougat ice cream with sticky date pudding。這個布甸上面的兩球雪糕都是奶味很重的,但不會太甜,所以伴著下面剛焗好的暖暖sticky date pudding,一冷一熱的配搭剛剛好。Lemon and lime tart with grapefruit。批底很鬆化,都算是有牛油香,整個檸檬青檸撻比較甜,但西柚肉就比較酸,所以甜和酸兩者相輔相成,味道就提升了。
未想到,來到甜品環節原來也有高潮位 個人最鐘愛的是Lemon and Kaffier Lime Tart with hot mint salad 青檸芳香撲鼻,酸甜一點也不假,令我想起Grand Central 的Mom’s Homemade Key Lime Pie (不過食友最近吃過,說質素大不如前,真的嗎?!) 不要緊,這裡的青檸撻足以與之相比,餅底也做得香脆 還配有西柚和橙沙律,同樣來得清新,帶來不同層次的酸度 實在是甜中一點酸,是幸褔的酸!
另一款少吃到的特色甜品是這款賣相吸引的Classic Pavlova with Chantilly Cream & New Seasoned Australian Strawberries 面層是鮮紅的士多啤梨醬,底層則是雪白的蛋白餅 蛋白餅入口香甜帶脆,質惑幼滑,配以帶酸的士多啤梨醬,中和了蛋白的甜度,味道平衡有致
沙士十年,勾起了港人不少甜酸苦辣的回憶,但與此同時大家又可有留意到,瘋牛症亦已絕跡十年呢? 而且伴隨而來的,是香港政府對美國帶骨牛肉 (Beef on the Bone) 的解禁,對老饕來講可是天大喜訊啊! Epicurean饕餮集團旗下的Steik World Meats及Jimmy's Kitchen是全港首兩間取得這批獲解禁、曾穀飼120-150日的優質帶骨牛肉的餐廳,並由3/21開始公開發售! 就於當晚,我有幸獲邀出席Steik World Meats的試食晚宴,可以率先品嚐那久別的美味,真是太幸福了! 當晚一抵達餐廳,公關馬上帶領我們欣賞主角:原來首批shipment早於兩星期前抵港,然而餐廳為了將最好的風味帶給食客,先利用店內設備進行dry-aging,令水分減少,同時肉味更濃! 也講講用餐環境, 其實初開時也到訪一次,當時已經很鍾愛那時尚高雅而又輕鬆寫意的環境氣氛,無論是大班人聚會,又或兩口子靜靜撐檯腳都很一流。而是晚被安排就坐於VIP大房,更有privacy之餘,兼可欣賞尖咀繁華晚景,感覺妙絕。正式開餐前大家先享用熱暖又選擇豐富的麵包籃,與首訪時一樣,最喜歡還
沙士十年,勾起了港人不少甜酸苦辣的回憶,但與此同時大家又可有留意到,瘋牛症亦已絕跡十年呢? 而且伴隨而來的,是香港政府對美國帶骨牛肉 (Beef on the Bone) 的解禁,對老饕來講可是天大喜訊啊!
Epicurean饕餮集團旗下的Steik World Meats及Jimmy's Kitchen是全港首兩間取得這批獲解禁、曾穀飼120-150日的優質帶骨牛肉的餐廳,並由3/21開始公開發售! 就於當晚,我有幸獲邀出席Steik World Meats的試食晚宴,可以率先品嚐那久別的美味,真是太幸福了! 當晚一抵達餐廳,公關馬上帶領我們欣賞主角:原來首批shipment早於兩星期前抵港,然而餐廳為了將最好的風味帶給食客,先利用店內設備進行dry-aging,令水分減少,同時肉味更濃!
接著,萬眾期待的主角----Dry aged US prime rib of beef on the bone servers choice - prime grading($1,180)終於上場了!! 單看賣相已經迷死人,還未計現場那殺死人的香味;Prime grade的靚牛肉質真是不同凡響,肉味超香超濃不在話下,而且質感軟滑得來富有彈性,口感也很出眾;而在吃完淨扒再品嚐帶骨位的,更覺肉香併發、好吃邪惡得非常過份!!
之後來到甜品併盤也有無限驚喜,尤其Caroline十分貼心,知道FHY愛甜,特別安排了兩大份給我們,份外滿足! 四款甜品中個人最愛是Classic Pavlova with Chantilly Cream & New Seasoned Australian Strawberries,面層鮮艷的士多啤梨醬汁固之然清新吸引,然而底下的蛋白餅既脆又滑,脆餅與忌廉的平衡做得極好,致令口感很豐富完美,一整個很快就被消滅了!
Sticky Date Pudding with Butterscotch Sauce & Caramel Biscuit Ice Cream也非常美味,布甸本身已經濕潤且香甜吸引,配上香甜焦糖醬、還有面層的焦糖雪糕,更令口味顯得豐富多變,又是好好好好吃! Lemon and Kaffier Lime Tart with hot mint salad則既有檸檬的芬香,又有青檸獨有的清新,那酸甜交錯的滋味又是很得人愛,又令人忍不住吃光了! 最後Baked Blueberry New York Cheesecake本來質素也不俗,但在對手太強的情況之下,唯有選擇吃剩你了(其實也只剩了小半而己),對不起~~~
最後當然少不了甜品時間. 這裡一盤內有4種不同款式的甜點, 分別是 Sticky date pudding (HKD$68)/ Classic Pavlova (HKD$58) / Baked Blueberry cheesecake New York Style (HKD$58) / Lemon and Kaffir lime Tart (HKD$64)
來到Steik World Meats,重點當然是牛扒。話說十年前的一場瘋牛症,令美國有骨牛肉禁止進口香港。人生有幾多個十年? 大家苦等良久,等到花兒也謝了,到了今天,年齡三十個月樓下的美國有骨牛肉,終於可以重訪香江。Steik World Meats暫時是首間出售美國有骨牛肉的餐廳,當筆者收到邀請,可率先試到兩款牛之時,實在興奮莫名。其實,牛肉兩星期前已到埗,大師以Dry Age方式把牛肉風乾,令肉質更嫩,肉味更濃。說到此時,我的口水已經流滿地。引頸以待的一晚終於來臨,我乖乖的準時到場,店方先奉上麵包籃,讓大家先吃著麵包等候遲來的朋友。幾款麵包均是新鮮出爐,熱暖的,頗為討好,個人最喜歡是濃郁的芝士包。第一款頭盤是小杯的凍湯,呷一口,散發著濃烈的泰國香草味道,還有點點血腥瑪莉的辣勁,很是開胃,內裡的龍蝦粒肉質亦是爽甜,個人認為是蠻不錯的開端,不過同桌有人又大叫太辣了。接著上桌的是蟹餅,外層經輕輕的煎過,帶出香味,一絲絲的蟹肉,鮮甜無比,沾上微酸的醬汁,確是十分醒胃,我是吃得連一點汁醬也沒有剩,可見水準是相當的出眾。其次是Tortellini,包得靚靚仔仔的,咬下去外皮口感煙韌,肉香濃郁
Thanks to the communications team for inviting me to try the delicious shipment of US beef on the bone.Steik World Meats is the first restaurant in Hong Kong to receive a shipment of US beef on the bone, which has been banned for importation into Hong Kong since 2003. Hong Kong welcomes back US beef on the bone after ten years.Since the recent arrival of US beef on the bone to Hong Kong, Epicurean’s Group Executive Chef Brian Moore has for the past two weeks been meticulously overseeing the dry-
Thanks to the communications team for inviting me to try the delicious shipment of US beef on the bone.
Steik World Meats is the first restaurant in Hong Kong to receive a shipment of US beef on the bone, which has been banned for importation into Hong Kong since 2003. Hong Kong welcomes back US beef on the bone after ten years.
Since the recent arrival of US beef on the bone to Hong Kong, Epicurean’s Group Executive Chef Brian Moore has for the past two weeks been meticulously overseeing the dry-aging process at Steik World Meats, whereby the beef has been kept in their custom dry-aging facility and observed on a daily basis.
Benefits of enjoying beef on the bone include its retention of moisture during the cooking process and decreased shrinkage when it is dry-aged. In terms of taste, both types of US beef on the bone on offer at Steik World Meats, namely prime and choice, have an intense flavour due to the distribution of fat, as well as a deliciously tender texture.
As well as the beef, there were appetizers and desserts for the tasting event.
The soup was served in a really cute ceramic cup and it was a refreshing cold soup. I loved the tangyness with a hint of lemongrass which did not over power the soup. The tomato was strong and the pieces of lobster were nice and delicate. ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Pan-fried lightly spiced blue swimmer crab cake, crustacean foam, micro cress:
I love crab cakes and the crab cake here was just exquisite. Although there were extremely finely diced red and green peppers in it, it was a perfect balance, you could taste the peppers subtly. As well as the peppers there were carrots in it as well which added to the golden colour. The crustacean foam was also addictive, it was smooth and rich. Each of the elements tasted nice alone and they also tasted nice together too. The micro cress was a delicious garnishing without taking the limelight from the crab. ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Hand-crafted ox cheek tortellini, beef consomme:
The tortellini were visually uniform and neat. It was garnished with lovely mustard cress on top which added some spice to it. The filling inside the tortellini was quite interesting, because the texture of the meat was velvety. ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Dry aged US prime rib of beef on the bone servers choice - prime grading:
The beef had gone through the dry-aging process so it was not dripping with blood and the marbling of the meat was uniform which you can see on the close up and it also had a clean cut.
The beef was soft and tender, it had natural sweetness and tasted perfectly fine without the addition of mustard, but after adding sea salt the taste of beef was even better. The sea salt that they provided was quite coarse but not overly salty because I dipped lots of it and it was not salty because the salt crystals were not that concentrated. ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Dry aged boneless servers choice US rib eye:
The texture of this one was slightly tough to cut and it did not taste as nice as the beef above., If I had tried this beef alone I would have been content. ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ potato gratin with gruyere cheese:
The baked potato slices were delicious in the creamy sauce and the crispy cheese on top gave it extra saltiness and flavour. ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Vegetables:
Before the steaks were served, we were presented a tray of knives which originate from various places in Europe, some were Swiss, some were French etc. Although I chose a small Swiss knife, I seriously recommend a macho one which can cut better! ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Steik World meats dessert platter:
Lemon lime tart with citrus salad This was my favourite because it was really refreshing. It was paired with citrus salad which was made up of grapefruit, citrus fruits and lemongrass. Initially I thought the citrus fruits would be really sour with the tart but when it was eaten with the tart the pairing could not have been better. It made the tart taste so much more natural because the fruits gave it more dimension. Date pudding with nougat mousse and caramel biscuit icecream The date pudding was not cloyingly sweet like other places and it was served warm. The texture of the pudding was nice and soft, and the nougat mousse acted like classy aerated cream, while the caramel biscuit icecream made it richer. The caramel pieces in the icecream really stood out. Strawberry pavola The sweet meringue was garnished with delicious red and ripe strawberries slices and there was cream in the middle. A lovely light dessert. Blueberry cheese cake The cheese cake was nice and light covered with blueberries on top.
All the items on this platter were highly recommendable and not too sweet. ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Petit fours :
Strawberry icecream dipped in chocolate This was everyone's favourite, it was gorgeous icecream covered in chocolate. It was so nice that it was like eating a frozen praline. Sesame cookies The cookies were quite hard but would go well with coffee. Chocolate brownies The brownies were cute and sweet which will go well with tea of coffee. Macarons The macarons were a perfect ending with tea. They were nice and chewy. ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
[b]Price:[/b] $0
[b]Service:[/b] great
[b]Yummy factor:[/b] delicious
[b]Sweetness levels:[/b] just right
[b]MSG levels:[/b] None
[b]Glass of water provided:[/b] Yes
[b]English Menu:[/b] Yes
自2003年開始,因當時美國出現瘋牛症的關係,香港政府便禁止所有美國有骨牛肉入境,因有骨牛肉比較容易帶有病毒。事隔十年,最近美國農業部成功與香港政府達成協議,再次允許年齡小於三十個月的美國有骨牛肉於屠宰後均可進入香港。Steik World Meat是現在香港第一間暫時供應美國有骨牛肉的餐廳,他們從內布拉斯加州Nebraska引入穀飼120至150日的有骨牛肉到香港,這天很開心可先來餐廳一試。牛肉於兩星期前運到香港,並存放於餐廳的風乾櫃內,把肉的水份收乾,令肉味更濃郁。吃牛扒前,先來吃些麵包,新鮮焗起,暖暖的,最喜愛吃芝士包。然後三款頭盤,Home Smoked Salmon with Spanish Onion,Capper Berry Salsa & Brioche Sippets,自家煙燻的三文魚薄片,肉質軟腍,煙燻味道不太濃,微微鹹香,味道不太重。Finely Sliced Iberico Ham with House Made Grissini,除了三文魚,也有火腿,鹹香得宜,配上的麵包脆條就比麵包藍的遜色,微微帶脆身也稍硬。另外的Half Shell Scallop wit
自2003年開始,因當時美國出現瘋牛症的關係,香港政府便禁止所有美國有骨牛肉入境,因有骨牛肉比較容易帶有病毒。事隔十年,最近美國農業部成功與香港政府達成協議,再次允許年齡小於三十個月的美國有骨牛肉於屠宰後均可進入香港。Steik World Meat是現在香港第一間暫時供應美國有骨牛肉的餐廳,他們從內布拉斯加州Nebraska引入穀飼120至150日的有骨牛肉到香港,這天很開心可先來餐廳一試。牛肉於兩星期前運到香港,並存放於餐廳的風乾櫃內,把肉的水份收乾,令肉味更濃郁。吃牛扒前,先來吃些麵包,新鮮焗起,暖暖的,最喜愛吃芝士包。
然後就是今天的主角,Dry aged US Prime Rib of Beef on the Bone,Prime Grading,這份巨型的牛扒伴著長長的牛肋骨,肉眼扒表面烤得帶焦,肉味香濃,中心肉質仍帶嫩粉,入口軟腍鬆化,肉上黏附著不少脂肪,脂肪在口中融化,令口感變得更油潤,吃著更甘香豐腴。把骨上的肉切出來吃,肉味就更加濃郁,真的好吃。
最後甜品有四款,Classic Pavlova with Chantilly Cream & New Seasoned Australian Strawberries,士多啤梨蛋白批,比起上次來吃,今次的醬汁更加濃稠,而忌廉份量亦較多。蛋白批表面淋滿紅紅的士多啤梨醬,加上士多啤梨片,賣相很吸引。而今次吃的焗蛋白比上次吃的焗得較透徹,口感較脆身,伴著香甜的雲尼拿忌廉及甜酸的士多啤梨醬,也好吃。
Didn't realize there is a steak house at K11 and it's full of surprise.I was late for my dinner appointment. While my brother was waiting the server had given him suggestions on the menu which were truely constructive.We ordered a dry aged rib eye and a set dinner so that we can taste the difference between the two (dry aged from Portugal and normal rib eye from the States).Amuse bouche is not really my cup of tea, to me it's too salty and spicy, almost like a sauce. Bread basket is nice and w
Didn't realize there is a steak house at K11 and it's full of surprise.
I was late for my dinner appointment. While my brother was waiting the server had given him suggestions on the menu which were truely constructive.
We ordered a dry aged rib eye and a set dinner so that we can taste the difference between the two (dry aged from Portugal and normal rib eye from the States).
Amuse bouche is not really my cup of tea, to me it's too salty and spicy, almost like a sauce. Bread basket is nice and warm.
For my set dinner Lobster bisque is not amazing but you can tell it's not canned soup Foie gras is nice Rib eye is tender and juicy, very nicely cooked Even side dish is nice Very full for petit four but no credits should be taken away.
My brother ordered a la carte, had a mushroom as appetizer. Waiter had taken a wrong order, instead of luring us to take that dish he offered to gave us the right dish too.
The restaurant is cosy, nice, and quiet. For the quality of food and service, I will say every penny is worth the value.
先來basket of bread & 1個welcome drink. D bread 外香脆內軟熟,唔錯,係唔like佢有1小碟herbs for 點bread, 好鬼印度feel d 味,ma ma 地 個Welcome drink 好tomato+lemongrass, 幾開胃,ok. +咗支sparkling water.
今年的餐廳週除到了The Pawn外,還吃了Steik World Meats。這間扒房以自家Dry-aged牛扒為賣點,而且價錢公道,深得一眾食客歡迎。今次在餐廳週所提供的午餐餐單中,更能以超值的$158選擇Dry-aged牛扒為主菜,實在抵吃。環境裝修別緻,提供了不少馬蹄卡座,氣派十足又舒適。除了柔和的燈光外,亦善用了自然光,令室內環境與室外的酒吧有一個連接性,而天花上的圖案亦突出了泛著紅光的牛扒熟成櫃,令人不其然留意上。 頭盤前,先送來麵包籃,各款麵包都是新鮮焗製,送來時還熱辣辣的,款式亦十分多元化,其中的芝士包最深得我心,包身鬆軟,芝士味香濃,剩吃已是上品,再配上牛油,更添美味。頭盤有四款,由於我們只有三人的關係,只點了其中的「和牛西冷薄切」、「自製松露鵝油鵝雞肝凍批」及「香煎鮮蟹肉餅」。「和牛西冷薄切」脂肪分佈平均,但含脂量卻不高,吃來嫩滑,肉味會較淡。「香煎鮮蟹肉餅」以蟹肉混入薯蓉來煎,金黃的外層略帶香脆,內裡質感軟滑,味道算是不錯的。另外,我很欣賞「自製松露鵝油鵝雞肝凍批」,質感幼滑,鵝油甘香,肝味亦突出,塗上多士後,鵝油肝醬滲進多士,甘香豐腴,欲罷不能。主菜有四款供
今年的餐廳週除到了The Pawn外,還吃了Steik World Meats。這間扒房以自家Dry-aged牛扒為賣點,而且價錢公道,深得一眾食客歡迎。今次在餐廳週所提供的午餐餐單中,更能以超值的$158選擇Dry-aged牛扒為主菜,實在抵吃。