餐厅: | 新同樂魚翅酒家 |
资讯: |
港铁尖沙咀/尖東站 B1/ N5 出口
米芝莲二星餐厅 (2012-23) 米芝莲三星餐厅 (2011) 米芝莲一星餐厅 (2024)
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
【秋风起 • 食腊味】鹅肝润肠礼盒 (八条)
【秋风起 • 食腊味】极上腊肠礼盒 (六条)
【秋风起 • 食腊味】同乐腊味礼盒 (1 盒)
新年快到, 依傳統習俗, 總會執屋打点, 買新衫新鞋過新年. 今晚又準備了行花市, 中午時段要休息一下, 嘆個中式午餐, 選擇了新同樂魚翅酒家.這酒家馳名中外, 在香港已有多年歷史.厨藝非常好, 穫得了多年米之蓮奨項.酒家裝修好優雅, 座位闊落. 我們訂了位, 服務員迅速安排座位, 送上熱茶及小食, 水滾茶靚, 招呼周到.酒家部長替我們寫了幾款點心, 燒味, 水餃麪, 及甜品. 看來不錯.百花脆皮乳豬件: 每人兩件, 上枱熱辣辣, 賣相吸引.乳豬皮香脆可口, 非常薄, 醸了滿滿蝦膠, 鮮味又彈牙. 脆口加彈牙, 吃起來好有層次感. 紅菜頭鮮露筍蟹肉餃:皮薄饀料正, 蟹肉好鮮甜, 紅菜頭及鮮露筍, 細嫩, 健康可口.鹿兒島A4和牛咸水角, 造型得意, 外型像啤梨. 內餡系和牛, 牛味濃, 調味正. 咸水角炸得香脆不油膩, 真好食.金包銀絲腸粉, 配上熱醬油. 腸粉蒸得好滑, 內餡比坊間的春風得意腸更好食.蝦湯鮮蝦水餃稻庭麵鮮蝦水餃好巨型, 每碗三隻, 內有多隻新鮮大蝦, 蝦肉質爽彈, 味鮮美, 稻庭麵好綿滑. 蝦湯湯頭好甜.餐後甜品:龍鬚糖 法式焦糖燉蛋, 包含中法式元素.燉蛋好滑溜, 龍鬚糖幼如絲, 這個手作甜品, 吃得好回味. 食物有質素, 手工廚藝出眾, 值得再來.
This famous restaurant is located on 4/F of Mira Place, and has been in business for 55 years. The specialty is definitely the shark’s fin soup, but in the last decade the general public has a much better understanding of the cruelty in getting the shark's fin, and the restaurant has also downplayed that in its name and marketing.Arriving sharp at our booking time in the evening, we are seated at the booth, which are good for more private conversations. The decoration is stylish and luxurious. Having visited here a few times already, we decide to try the newer Sun Tung Lok Special Menu ($2,038 each), instead of the Michelin menu we have enjoyed before.The first course is Ark Shell Meat and Green Salad in Mustard Dressing 赤貝肉翠蔬沙律伴芥末汁. The chef has carved out the inside of cucumber sections and then stuffed with shredded cucumber, with some chickpeas as well. On top is the fresh ark shell meat, with some mustard dressing to season, and a piece of tomato and parsley. Combining Chinese, Western and Japanese elements together, a nice starter.The second course is Shark’s fin in Superior Soup 紅燒海虎翅. The signature of the restaurant, with the prized shark’s fin very thick in diameter, served in a superior soup that is pure umami and flavours, obviously prepared for a long process using many ingredients. Served on a sizzling hot clay pot, there is no need to add any vinegar, with the restaurant thoughtfully providing some additional Chinese ham extracts on additional saltiness if needed. But to me the original flavours are already fantastic.The third course is Braised Australian Greenlip Abalone and Garoupa Filet 澳洲四頭青邊鮑魚配海斑扒. The abalone is perfectly cooked, very tender and the knife can slice through it easily, while retaining a wonderful bite, seeping with amazing flavours on each bite. The vegetable on the bottom allows me to savour the last drop of the beautiful sauce. The fish filet is seasoned well, with a thin batter and not feeling oily on the mouth.The fourth course is Steamed prawn with Fried Conpoy 脆瑤柱豆腐蓉蒸海蝦球配紅蝦籽汁. The minced bean curd reminds me of the pipa tofu but this is steamed instead of deep-fried, with a large prawn on top, scattered with some fried conpoy to add some contrast in texture and flavours. There is also a red shrimp roe sauce which has wonderful umami taste and integrates the different elements of the whole dish together perfectly.The fifth course is Spanish Pork Loin and Deep-Fried Daikon 西班牙橡果豬柳伴脆大根. The pork loin is very tender, with lots of flavours, having the right amount of lean and fat, not feeling greasy at all. The sauce used to pan-fry has a complex and delicious taste, and the chef has creatively prepared some deep-fried turnip on the side, which are sweet and without fibres, plus some salad vegetables underneath, to cleverly balance the rich flavours of the pork.The sixth course is Bird’s Nest and Sago in Iced Honeydew 茶盅燕窩蜜瓜西米露 and Deep-Fried Glutinous Ball stuffed with Custard 忌廉奶皇芝麻煎堆. The sago dessert has a refreshing melon note and not too sweet, with the bird’s nest placed at the bottom. For sure it is a lady’s favourite. For me I like the glutinous ball better, with a nice chewy texture and coated with sesames to give a wonderful fragrance, while the custard stuffing is runny and also appropriate in sweetness.Coming here one can still feel some reminders of the glorious period in HK. Apart from the shark’s fin and premium ingredients, the restaurant is still using the authentic ivory chopsticks which has a long history, and are no longer available because of the global ivory ban. Service is good, but like almost all local Chinese restaurants they can do better job in explaining the dishes. The bill on the night is $4,605.
年末到訪2024米芝蓮一星推介粵菜·新同樂2011年更曾榮獲米芝蓮三星未品嘗到菜式已被時代感裝潢風格深深吸引,訂座安排非常有私隱度半包廂座位~午市點心套餐,不定時更換點心款式⭐️百花脆皮乳豬餐廳最招牌菜式之一,午市點心套餐就已經品嘗到!薄薄乳豬脆皮食落滿滿油香,配上爽彈鮮味釀蝦膠 真係名不虛傳,一人有兩件岩岩好! ⭐️紅菜頭鮮露筍蟹肉餃紅菜頭天然紅色晶瑩剔透,增加食慾⭐️鹿兒島A4和牛咸水角和牛用黑椒調味,牛味濃郁,咸水角口感極佳⭐️金包銀絲腸粉外貌近炸兩相似100,內有乾坤,最內層清甜白蘿蔔用腐竹包住,再有油炸鬼同腸粉覆蓋,口感豐富,味道有層次⭐️蝦湯鮮蝦水餃稻庭麵新鮮濃蝦湯鮮味十足,有種日式拉麵湯底濃度鮮蝦水餃紮實飽滿啖啖蝦肉⭐️龍鬚糖 法式無糖燉蛋將焦糖換上傳統將近失傳小食龍鬚糖增添口感燉蛋軟滑綿密有蛋香!
開業於1969年,連續14年榮獲米芝蓮星級,中菜高級又美味,食材都是進口的,廚師的手藝更是一流,吃過一次就會想再來!必點的招牌菜是百花脆皮乳豬,外皮鬆脆,蝦膠彈牙,超有口感,讓人回味無窮!紅菜頭鮮露筍蟹肉餃色澤超吸引,皮薄透光,吃起來煙韌又清新,內餡豐富,簡直是味蕾的享受✨。鹿兒島 A4 和牛咸水角則是用料上乘,造型可愛,香而不膩,真心推薦!金包銀絲腸粉外層柔滑,裡面的炸腐皮卷香脆,加上蘿蔔絲,令人驚艷。主食的蝦湯鮮蝦水餃稻庭麵,湯底濃郁,水餃飽滿彈牙,和稻庭麵的搭配簡直完美!最後,龍鬚糖法式無糖燉蛋,味道綿密,甜而不膩,讓人心滿意足。這麼多美味,真的是不容錯過啊!
成日話啲港人唔留港消費返晒大陸,去晒日本,點解唔好好地檢討吓自己? 呢間嘢真係期待過,呢個價錢,畢竟唔係我呢啲一般打工仔隨便可以嚟食,之前食過福臨門雖然不過不失,但價錢rise 嚟講都唔會再去。 講返呢間嘢(新同樂),由開始已經一肚氣,聽電話嗰條女晦晦氣氣,好似我差佢錢咁,仲收線拜拜都冇聲,直接cut線,我都未講完☹️。 (頂).去到成間店原來得三個卡位,我叫佢安排卡位,我一個月前訂位,佢話冇。(尾音都無) 成餐飯情願吉晒嗰三個卡位都唔俾我哋坐。好嘢!👍🏻.嗰個著黑色西裝嘅部長仲經典👇🏼我:請問魚翅餐加$100要鵝掌是否有柚皮的? (我見有食客啲相有。)男部長(西面答我):冇寫咪冇囉 !我:我呆咗😳(真正貼錢買難受) 🤬.魚翅一般,火腿嗰個好啲,紅燒嗰個千祈唔好叫不知所謂。 仲話魚翅專門店。😤😓(反眼中). 加$100嗰個鵝掌,成碟嘢都冇味連啲汁都冇味,唔知係因為雪藏所以冇味?定係啲材料根本就好差,我已經分唔到,定係因為有錢佬食嘢淡口啲咩?甜野無甜味鹹野冇鹹味,總之一個字差! . 成餐飯夾硬算最好食嘅係,餐嗰個煲仔飯,同另加嘅蛋白杏汁(雖然有啲稀)。 .anyway, 睇嚟呢間嘢都執得,2000幾差唔多成$3000食個lunch食啲咁嘅嘢,唔推薦,亦都唔會再去第二次,請都唔去。講完。 ☹️