港鐵銅鑼灣站 C 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
甜品與藝術結合,即席按客人要求以甜品創作一幅「甜品畫」,絕對適合相機食先的朋友 繼續閱讀
14:45 - 23:30
13:00 - 23:30
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 銀聯
泊車 詳細介紹
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食評 (456)
等級2 2018-11-19
2572 瀏覽
其實係早兩個月前食但估唔到今日打食評個陣佢已經結業個日係女朋友生日就去左呢間atum食,一開始都聽過佢個名有得畫畫呀又剩既,但係自己係藝術白痴又點會呀,好釆個日佢都幫我地完成曬。環境非常之靚又安靜,坐低之後會有一位你個晚專屬既師傅招呼自己,之後佢就俾你係三種顏色分別係白,黑同灰,我地個晚就揀左白色因爲感覺好乾淨,之後師傅係上面加下顏料啫喱呀朱古力呀係上面,加之前都會俾我地試下味咁,係全部都食得,最後幅畫就好似圖中咁好靚而味道都十分不錯,雖然自己唔鐘意食西式甜品但見到咁用心咁靚,最後都俾心機食,食到最尾都食.....唔曬 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2018-11-19
1177 瀏覽
首次第一次食有人專門為你Design 既甜品 每一款式都係獨一無二而且仲會根據你嘅口味去決定提供咩食材俾你而最重點嘅地方就係甜品師傅嘅巧妙設計以及獨一無二的創意,這種感覺好新鮮 而且味道相當美味,而且賣相十分吸引 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2018-10-22
946 瀏覽
1. It was definitely an amazing and enjoyable dessert fine dining experience at ATUM Desserant. I was happy and lucky to try it before it closed.2. The chef did put up an engaging performance when he was creating this in front of my cousin and I. We were wowed to see this piece of food art being made with different fruit-based dessert.3. The portion was much larger than we thought. Even though this food art was composed of bits and pieces here and there, when all the bits and pieces added up, it definitely filled our tummy.4. I adore my drink Insomnia, which is milk with honey.5. Good vibes in the restaurant. We sincerely hope that ATUM Desserant would reopen soon with a larger shop to let more people experience this wonderful dining experience. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2018-10-16
549 瀏覽
之前見過好多人黎呢度食 d甜品好似一幅畫甘平時食蛋糕都食到厭啦今次朋友生日bk呢度試下 去之前最好book左位先 因為位置比較小 未必會有walk in位 去到先會有welcome drink 我地個個係番石榴汁之後就揀甜品 我把揀左席前甜品 之後可以揀個底用咩色 有白色 黑色同灰色 我地揀左黑色底之後店員會介紹醬汁 有4種 白色係椰汁 黃色係芒果 紫色係香芋 紅色係草莓🍓之後就會開始整 一路整一路會介紹d甜品 有玫瑰荔枝啫喱 朱古力布甸 維他奶布丁等等 之後店員仲有比我地試下畫🤣🤣 最後就會用液態氮整雪糕 有竹炭朱古力雪糕 同蘋果雪芭 個人覺得有d酸🤣🤣仲有包埋一人一杯飲品最後店員會幫我地影相 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2018-10-11
450 瀏覽
We were so happy and excited to try this whole art / dessert dinning experience!! I have seen a lot of pictures about this for a long time, but have always thought the price was a bit over the hype, but now i think its quite worthy to give it a try when you feel fancy 😝The dessert maker or artist make the whole plate or i should say artwork in front of you step by step, bit by bit, it really does feel like some kind of art show.After the performance, we sure did take some pictures and thing, it totally deserved some decent photos! Although it presented very nicely, i actually can’t really tell what ingredients i was eating lol.. I actually expected it, cause food has to be processed in order to look this good. They tasted ok.Overall, this whole experience is for admiring and photo taking, another dinning experience 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)