餐廳: | YAKINIKU KAKURA (Tower 535) |
優惠: |
於此國泰夥伴餐廳用餐賺里 ! 國泰會員於夥伴餐廳消費可賺高達HKD4 = 2里數。受有關條款約束。 |
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 22:30
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
餐廳: | YAKINIKU KAKURA (Tower 535) |
優惠: | 國泰會員於夥伴餐廳消費可賺高達HKD4 = 2里數。受有關條款約束。 |
銅鑼灣Tower 535呢間YAKINIKU KAKURA之前同同事黎食過,覺得食到日本嘅高質和牛之餘,其他例如黑毛豚都唔錯,所以今次就帶friend 一齊黎再食!「大判燒!黑毛和牛西冷」:日本直運鹿児島県産嘅黑毛和牛,海外店限定,超級鮮嫩美味,必試!仲有個免費雞蛋配埋,夠晒正宗。「黑毛和牛腹柳小排」:已經預先調味好,即烤即食,呢款都好幾塊,油脂分布均勻,一樣係入口即溶!「黑毛豚無骨小排」 & 「黑毛豚脛肉」:因為朋友唔食牛所以叫左兩款黑毛豬,估唔到都好高質,「海鮮拼盤」:有齊大蝦,帶子同魷魚,好豐盛,海鮮好新鮮,好鐘意啲帶子,已經起埋殼,唔使連殼烤又新鮮。「海鮮泡菜湯」:因為想飲個湯叫左呢款,足料海鮮(大蝦,魷魚等)同蔬菜,不過就唔係韓國果只辣泡菜鍋,怕辣的都食到。「牛油男爵薯」:呢份係貪得意叫嘅,估唔到烤到金黃色又幾好味喔。最後仲有個免費甜品,一人一份杏仁奶凍+雪米糍,杏仁奶凍好滑,非常有誠意嘅甜品!
壽司刺身omakase就食得多,估吾到燒肉都可以omakase😋餐廳係佐賀人氣燒肉店過江龍,主打九州產的A5黑毛和牛,全部日本直送。仲有稀少部位選擇,真係牛魔王福音😍餐廳座位舒服,幾乎無油煙味,食得舒適👍🏻Omakase set $498/人套餐有固定項目,另外會有廚師精選兩款葱鹽味若雞同黑毛和牛😋🌟沙律幾有誠意,面頭放滿木魚碎,仲有銀魚仔同魚乾漬物👍🏻🌟泡菜三點盛泡菜,白蘿蔔同青瓜,腌得爽脆🌟鹽味上牛舌牛舌好嫩,燒完又香又爽🌟海老超大隻!長過手掌✋🏻而且超級多膏😲肉質真係爽口彈牙😋🌟野菜雞脾菇,南瓜同香菇🌟大判燒!黑毛和牛西冷必食!鎮店之寶!大大片,雪花分佈好均勻,真係睇到都覺得juicy 🤤每邊燒幾秒鐘就食得拉。要點埋個溫泉蛋醬,超級嫩滑!🌟黑毛和牛裏腹小排呢款肉油脂感重d,真係做到入口即溶👍🏻🌟黑毛和牛上嫩肩里肉呢款肉味濃,油脂感無咁重,都係好好食!🌟葱鹽若雞雞肉都幾新鮮嫩滑,加左葱鹽調味,好香。🌟冷麵食左熱辣辣燒肉,黎個冷麵降溫,超爽😆冷麵好彈牙,湯汁酸酸辣辣,有好多蔬菜配料👍🏻🌟杏仁奶凍|雪米糍原本無咩期望的甜品都幾有驚喜,淡淡清甜的杏仁奶凍,好滑👍🏻雪米糍口感好好,冰凍軟棉。🌟第一次食燒肉omakase, 超級滿足,令人超級回味的黑毛和牛🤤
$498‼️Omakase日式和牛燒肉🐮🥩🔹喜歡請like & follow🫶🏻對我來講是很重要的支持🔹這間我暫時最喜歡的日式和牛燒肉店現在推出 Omakase course $498包括了招牌大判燒黑毛和牛西冷!還有海鮮、和牛、沙律、冷麵、甜品食物質素很高,份量多飽到捧住肚走,性價比極高!👨🏻🍳Omakase course包括👇🏻1️⃣omakase 沙律、泡菜三點盛2️⃣塩味上牛舌、 蔥鹽味若雞精選二種、海老3️⃣大判燒黑毛和牛西冷4️⃣黑毛和牛腹柳小排5️⃣和牛赤身6️⃣野菜7️⃣KAKURA冷麵8️⃣甜品🔹OMAKASE沙律,放了少許沙律醋及鰹魚片,簡單清爽🥗🔹泡菜三點盛,包括泡菜、醃青瓜及醃蘿蔔,微辣解膩🔹塩味上牛舌薄身,口感好爽,而且有咬口,帶牛肉香🐮,有少少鹹🤌🏻🔹蔥鹽味若雞肉質不柴🍗🔹海老很大隻🦐🔹必食!🤩大判燒黑毛和牛西冷油脂分佈平均🥩 帶油脂香及香濃的燒肉味,肉質很嫩👍🏻 沾上溫泉蛋一起吃更加滑溜🍳🔹黑毛和牛腹柳小排,油脂感最重,肉質超腍,入口即化🤤👍🏻🔹和牛赤身,肉質軟腍🔹冷麵挺韓式,清涼解膩🥢🔹甜品杏仁奶凍的杏仁味香濃,奶凍細滑,糯米糍也不錯📍 YAKINIKU KAKURA (Tower 535) @yakinikukakurahk銅鑼灣謝斐道535號Tower 535 1樓101-102號舖#香港燒肉 #燒肉 #燒肉推薦 #日式燒肉 #銅鑼灣 #銅鑼灣美食 #銅鑼灣餐廳 #香港必吃 #香港必食 #香港餐廳
《YAKINIKU KAKURA - 銅鑼灣》又到左食燒肉既日子🤓如果有人要我推薦一間日式燒肉店比佢,呢間一定會係我其一選擇🤓價錢適宜但係又食到高質和牛,平均百零蚊就可以叫到一份日本和牛🥰除咗牛肉之外,海鮮都係人氣嘅菜式😋今次我就去左銅鑼灣既分店,兩個人一共叫咗五款食物😉預既份量剛剛好,人均五百蚊唔洗😋絕對係食日本靚牛嘅高質燒肉店💁🏻♀️塩味上牛舌 $128食燒肉又點可以唔食牛舌呢?今次牛舌揀咗較嫩既部份,上牛舌☺️雖然唔算厚切,但係牛肉嘅味道好出又唔會臊,輕輕燒10秒已經夠啦,一客有五件😎個人覺得鹽味最好食💁🏻♀️黑毛和牛腹柳小排 $148落咗燒汁嘅黑毛和牛腹柳小排燒起上嚟有燒汁嘅味道,好香😋同樣唔使燒好耐,一邊微微焦香,再將另一邊輕輕燒多五秒左右就食得,油脂豐富十分香口,肉質比較嫩滑,有入口即溶嘅感覺💁🏻♀️黑毛和牛上肋骨中肉 $198第一次試呢一款肉,一試就愛上啦🥰一條原壺上,可以剪到七至八件出嚟,油脂同樣十分豐富😘上面落咗啲甜甜地嘅醬汁,好入味同埋好Juicy👍🏻👍🏻兩個人分剛剛好,可以話係當晚嘅MVP💁🏻♀️黑毛和牛内橫膈膜 $188呢一款牛肉肉味比較濃郁,入口都唔會有渣,食落好香軟而且有重肉汁👍🏻每次都必叫💁🏻♀️大判燒!黑毛和牛西冷 $178同樣係每次嚟到呢間餐廳都會食嘅一道菜式,原片黑毛和牛西冷大大片,放上燒烤爐上面每邊燒5秒就食得,會附送埋一個溫泉蛋,用嚟點牛肉就最好不過😻入口即溶但係又食到牛肉嘅油香味👍🏻不過要注意嘅係燒嘅時候會比較搶火,唔可以燒咁耐,如果唔係就會Overcooked啦🥰如果嚟食燒肉,記住要叫嚟試吓,以同款肉質嘅西冷和牛嚟講,呢度個價錢算係比較平💪🏻必食
Nestled in the bustling heart of Causeway Bay, Yakiniku Kakura at Tower 535 offers an exquisite dining experience that combines the finest Japanese barbecue with a touch of elegance. During my recent visit, I had the pleasure of trying two standout lunch sets: the "Assorted Seafood Lunch Set" and the "Grilled Wagyu Three Kinds Lunch Set."Assorted Seafood Lunch SetThe Assorted Seafood Lunch Set is a seafood lover's dream. This set features a delightful array of fresh seafood, including succulent prawns, tender scallops, and flavorful squid. Each piece is grilled to perfection, preserving the natural sweetness and delicate textures of the seafood. The set is accompanied by a refreshing salad, a bowl of steamed rice, and a comforting miso soup, making it a well-rounded and satisfying meal. The highlight for me was the scallops, which were incredibly juicy and had a subtle char that enhanced their flavor. The prawns were equally impressive, with a perfect balance of tenderness and a slight smoky taste from the grill.Grilled Wagyu Three Kinds Lunch SetFor those who crave the rich, melt-in-your-mouth experience of premium beef, the Grilled Wagyu Three Kinds Lunch Set is a must-try. This set includes three different cuts of Wagyu beef, each offering a unique taste and texture. The A5 Wagyu sirloin was the star of the show, with its buttery texture and intense marbling that provided an explosion of flavor with every bite. The skirt steak and tenderloin were also exceptional, each grilled to perfection and served with a selection of dipping sauces that complemented the beef beautifully. The set comes with a side of rice, miso soup, and a crisp salad, providing a balanced meal that leaves you thoroughly satisfied.Ambiance and ServiceYakiniku Kakura boasts a modern and inviting ambiance, with spacious seating and a sleek interior design that enhances the dining experience. The staff are attentive and knowledgeable, always ready to assist with grilling techniques and recommendations. Their dedication to providing top-notch service truly elevates the dining experience, making you feel welcomed and well-cared for.Final Thoughts Whether you're a seafood aficionado or a Wagyu enthusiast, Yakiniku Kakura at Tower 535 offers something special for everyone. The Assorted Seafood Lunch Set and Grilled Wagyu Three Kinds Lunch Set are both excellent choices that showcase the restaurant's commitment to quality and flavor. If you find yourself in Causeway Bay, make sure to visit Yakiniku Kakura for an unforgettable dining experience.