3-min walk from Exit B3, Mong Kok MTR Station continue reading
NAM VIỆT NAM Café(南越南咖啡廳)作為南越 Fusion 菜主題餐廳,旨在將各種似乎雲壤之別的食材和文化放在一起,擦撞出新滋味,賦予專屬NAM VIỆT NAM Café的獨家味道。 餐廳搜羅具南越特色的街頭美食及飲料,不惜工本於菜式注入嶄新概念,融入各地具代表性的食材,注入讓人驚喜的活潑元素, 讓食客體驗真正「南越南」的風味,把「Fusion」意念發揮得淋漓盡致。 continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
*Last Order: 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (907)
[ 南越南咖啡廳 ]旺角呢間餐廳以越南🇻🇳南部新派Fusion菜為主題,食物及飲料都好有南越特色。沙律🥗✿ 越式發酵茶葉沙律 $54發酵後嘅茶葉混合金不換、辣椒🌶、青檸、魚露等香料,甜甜辣辣惹味開胃。小食✿ 南越蟹肉醬 配脆球餅 $68 🦀自行將不同份量蟹肉醬釀入脆球餅,脆球餅口感夠脆,蟹肉醬味道咸香。✿ 惹火上身鹹檸豬頸肉 $70 🐷上菜時店員會係豬頸肉上面點火🔥,既打卡又增添豬頸肉焦香。豬頸肉嫩滑,加入鹹檸檬再配醬汁酸甜減膩。主食✿ 烤蔞葉雞配青蘋果條 $90 🐔🍏烤雞份量有半隻,都幾多肉,外皮香而薄脆,雞肉軟嫩有油香而唔肥膩。而且蔞葉有少少胡椒香氣,帶出肉香。青蘋果條聞落有濃郁蝦味,味道鹹辣,平衡本身酸甜嘅蘋果。✿ 越式咖哩牛肋條配斑蘭椰香飯 $88 🐮飯粒有顆粒感,斑蘭椰香味香濃。有牛肋條及牛筋,咖哩係帶小辣🌶、椰香味嘅黃咖哩,撈飯食更惹味。飲品🍹✿ 香茅青蘋果茶(冷) $25/樽✿ 柑桔檸檬綠茶(冷) $25/樽自家製樽仔凍飲,解辣解膩,夏天飲仲好解渴。總結🫦 餐廳菜式有越南風味且多元化,更有越南湯粉、越式法包、越南滴漏咖啡等,加上位置方便,係聚會嘅其中一個選擇。✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿南越南咖啡廳地址:旺角彌敦道726號1樓電話:2311 9333✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-30
✨這家上樓越式餐廳, 地點旺中帶靜, 牆頂嘅霓虹燈裝飾十分別緻🥰✨NVN 咖啡骨 $78將一小壺熱咖啡淋在棉花糖上, 待溶化後, 豬軟骨吸滿咖啡香味, 肉質軟諗, 好睇又好食😍✨扎肉心內美米紙卷(五件)$65食材新鮮, 煙韌米紙皮薄包著彈牙扎肉, 沾上秘製醬汁, 十分滋味😋✨脆米紙薄餅 $58以脆米紙做餅底好有特色, 餡料係青瓜絲及甘筍絲, 灑上越式香腸粒, 配以千島醬汁, 口感層次豐富😋✨「嫲嫲南越湯」招牌金邊粉 $88濃味湯汁掛滿Q彈嚼口感嘅金邊粉, 配料非常豐富, 牛肉片,牛肋條,牛筋,牛尾,牛肉丸及油條吸滿濃沃牛肉味嘅湯汁特別滋味👍✨惹火上身咸檸豬頸肉 $70豬頸肉上枱後, 店員會在上面點火加燒, 係非常吸精嘅打卡點子, 豬頸肉肉質彈牙, 以菠蘿片墊底, 解去熱氣及油膩感😋✨南越蛋朱古力(熱)$38朱古力上層有半凝固嘅滑漏蛋黃漿, 最頂層係薄薄嘅一片焦糖, 非常滑口順喉😍✨接骨木花茶青蘋果(熱)$30花味香濃帶青蘋果味嘅微酸, 口味清新😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-29
睇食評話呢間餐廳服務態度好差,但食物質素可以, 就過來試試 坐低之後發現果然係態度差 ,而且仲有個員工扒係枱瞓覺雖然環境可以不過樓下等𨋢位好臭而且佢哋係冇套餐 坐低就會自己叫你掃QR code 人均消費$180 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-27
位於旺角嘅「南越南✨」,絕對係我最鍾意嘅越南菜餐廳之一,佢哋將傳統越南菜式大膽創新,推出一系列「新派越南fusion」嘅特色菜式,令人耳目一新!🇻🇳🍽️首先,佢哋嘅脆米紙薄餅,簡直係一絕!薄脆嘅米紙配合新鮮脆爽嘅配料,加埋香濃醬汁,一口咬落去真係好過癮!🥤🥖另外,佢哋推出嘅越式發酵茶葉沙律,以發酵茶葉作為主角,配搭上各式清脆蔬菜,散發出獨特而馥郁嘅香氣,真係令人大開眼界!🥗🍵至於惹火上身鹹檸豬頸肉,肉質鮮嫩多汁,加上微辣鹹檸醬汁,簡直係一絕佳搭配!🍖🌶️😋烤蔞葉雞配青蘋果條,不但造型獨特,而且味道亦相當出色!烤焦嘅蔞葉配合嫩滑雞肉,再加埋青脆蘋果,口感層次豐富!🍗🍃🍎而甜品,南越南推出嘅「富國島之椰子奶凍」,簡直係人間美味!濃郁香甜嘅椰子奶,加埋軟滑嘅布甸質感,簡直係夏日消暑聖品!🥥🧁總括嚟講,南越南✨絕對係一間創意無限、別具特色嘅越南菜餐廳!無論係菜式定係環境,都散發出濃濃越式韻味,絕對值得一試!👍🇻🇳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-05-26
As foreigner living in HK, this is such a hidden gem I stumbled upon in Mong Kok! This Vietnamese spot totally hit the spot after a long day at work. The Grilled Chicken with that tangy green apple sauce was the perfect start. The chicken was so juicy and flavorful - loved the charred notes. Then the amazing Coffee Soft Bone Pork blew me away. That pork was fall-off-the-bone tender and the coffee really elevated the dish in a unique way. This is a must to try!I mopped up all the delicious sauces with the super fresh Vietnamese French Bread. And the Pandan Longan Tea was so refreshing - the perfect pairing.But the real star was the Phu Quoc Island Coconut Cream with Mango for dessert. That coconut cream was so creamy and rich, balanced out by the sweet, tangy mango. Seriously, one of the best desserts I've had in a while.This hidden spot totally delivered on authentic, flavor-packed Vietnamese cuisine. Can't wait to go back and try more! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)