4-min walk from Exit B2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
The Japanese restaurant provides fresh ingredients which shipped from Japan every day. The Japanese chef has over 20 years of experience in making Japanese food. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 16:00
17:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 16:00
17:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay WeChat Pay
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (1602)
Level1 2025-01-23
沒有在香港見過態度這麼差的服務!!營業時間過了5分鐘進店,剛準備開口詢問就被兇狠地用國語粵語大聲呵斥不讓進店。直接沒有任何心情,非常不推薦來!!附近很多其他不錯的日式選擇! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2025-01-18
The menu has a good selection.However, I found the service lacking and the boss (lady)’s attitude was poor.The tuna in the rice bowl I ordered was tasteless - lacking in fish flavour. I had to add lots of soy sauce. The rice tasted a bit hard and make me wonder if they were fresh… The wait took a while. Other customers complained of 20-25 minutes wait for the food. Overall, average food and experience. Unlikely to return. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
2024年12月10日 (星期二) 6:30pm 16°C 餐廳裝修充滿日本風格,以日式木屋作藍圖,讓食客彷彿置身於日本當地。 師傅採用『江戶前傳統製法』,利用酒粕發酵,令赤醋飯更香醇,酸度控制得更柔和,增加層次感,飯同魚生配搭得好,自然將鮮味再提昇。 所有食材每天由日本新鮮直送 環境光亮整潔,餐具乾淨。 點餐方法亦改用自己手機,直接傳送去廚房,捨棄傳統餐牌,變得更方便快捷,衛生可靠,值得一讚! 為慶祝家人生日及在香格里拉酒店渡假,故此特地挑選此餐廳用膳。 人數:2人 HK$256 ( AEON 信用卡享 9 折優惠 ) 丼(Donburi)是日文漢字,是一種日式飯食,以大瓷碗盛載著白飯,飯上覆以各款食材。傳統丼包括:牛丼 - 烹煮牛肉與洋蔥後覆於飯面親子丼 - 以雞肉、蛋及洋蔥烹煮覆於飯面。豬扒丼 - 是將豬扒裹上麵包糠後,經油炸而成,油的高溫將肉汁鎖在肉內,混合洋蔥、雞蛋覆於飯面。 三文魚親子丼 - 本人已兩年無來惠顧,今次重來嚐一嚐!三文魚魚質軟滑,但味道偏淡,而厚度跟以往差不多,稱得上厚切。酸薑很辣,驅寒佳品。飯的份量仍然超多,基本上是不能吃盡,三文魚份量沒以往的觸目,可能跟物價高漲有關 ~ 滑蛋吉列豬扒丼定食 - 外層炸得脆卜卜,內層豬肉厚實,啖啖肉鮮,滑蛋和洋蔥是絕配,既爽口又滑溜。茶碗蒸亦不錯,滑嫩之外,底部藏蝦,味噌湯不算太鹹。整體來說,定食份量足夠,味道偏淡,感覺健康一點。《 餐 牌 》:【 溫 馨 提 示 】:❶ 用自己手機點餐❷ 每款食品都是即叫即製❸ 可選擇少飯 、走芥末 / 蔥花 / 薑❹ 不提供咖啡、奶茶❺ 另收加一服務費 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
真係十分感謝我朋友帶我黎食咁好食嘅日本料理。點咗好幾款都好唔錯。火炙魚生飯簡直係我最愛,因爲炙燒過嘅關係,三文魚油脂被逼咗出來,一口下落去三文魚油脂係口中。火炙三味壽司、秘製豚肉湯烏冬都好正! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
十和田又位於尖沙咀出名性價比高嘅壽司店,今日嚟食午餐,質素唔錯,🫶🏻值得記錄一下!呢度嘅醋飯味道調得恰宜,係加分項🫶🏻;魚生夠新鮮,唔會有得輸👋🏻🤣.💁🏻‍♀️鍾意咩都試啲,壽司套餐就啱晒我😜💁🏻‍♂️對吞拿魚情有獨鍾,丼飯用上肥美而滿滿嘅吞拿魚腩,多蔥減輕膩感。性價比高而滿足🫶🏻😎———--—————- ꨄ 𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛 ღ —————————🝮十和田午市壽司套餐|麵豉湯 [$128]你吞拿魚|立魚|帶子|三文魚|魷魚|海老|海膽|漬魚籽|青瓜小卷(6件)🝮 香蔥吞拿魚腩丼飯|麵豉湯|茶碗蒸 [$128]🝮YEBISU Premium Draught [$48]---————————————————————————-- continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)