餐廳: | 國金軒 |
資訊: |
米芝蓮二星餐廳 (2011), 米芝蓮推介食府 (2011-2024), 《南華早報》2023年度「100 Top Tables」(2022-2023), 永續餐飲指標 (2023 – 2025)
10:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
11:30 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
10:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
10:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
家常便飯無需講究體面,選址 IFC 的國金軒,本為品嚐太史五蛇羹真傳而來,喜出望外,所有菜式皆水準之上,配合環境服務,物有所值的高消費!8人細房,樓底非常高,玻璃大窗維景海景相伴,獨立洗手間,雅緻舒適。鵝肝醬乳豬鍋巴鍋巴做得很好,名副其實脆卜卜,咬碎有聲,組合有意料驚喜。乳豬與鍋巴的薄脆交替,鵝肝醬變得低調,成為潤滑劑。水晶大蝦球白雪巨大,爽口得來保留蝦味,蘸少許蝦醬很適合。太史五蛇羹真的細緻,刀功出色,冬菇絲、雞絲、蛇絲切得幼細,粗幼一樣;檸檬葉、菊花、芫荽及胡椒粉。鮑汁脆皮婆參炆得很軟嫩,外層-層薄脆,鮑汁滋味。碧綠油泡方脷球魚肉嫩滑亦夠厚內。脆皮鬍鬚雞雞皮薄如紙,雞肉嫩滑。生炒臘味糯米飯真正生炒,色澤亮麗,米飯粒粒分明,非常香,口感一流,平日不吃飯的我亦添吃。蓮子蛋白杏仁茶幼滑香甜,有質素。脆皮煎堆仔蓮蓉餡料,水準唔錯。
This high-end Cantonese restaurant has two branches, one in The Mira Hong Kong and one in IFC. Having visited a few years back with good memories on the quality of its food, on this Wednesday evening, we return again to TST, to explore whether they continue to keep up its quality and any new experience in offer.The main dining area is spacious, neatly decorated with an upscale and contemporary design, featuring emerald colour in the chairs and carpet, with dark mahogany walls and the smart use of mirrors to increase the feeling of a high ceiling. We are seated at a circular banquette table on the side.Instead of the set menu, we decide to go for a la carte, starting with Honey-glazed Barbecued Pork 蜜餞本地黑豚叉燒 ($178 half portion). Specially requested for leaner cut, the BBQ pork does not have much fat but is still juicy and tender. Roasted with a nice char on the edges, glistering on the surface from the honey, the meat is marinated well with a deep flavour. Quite nice.Then we have for each of us a Deep-fried Crab Claw, Scallop, Minced Shrimp, Pear 梨香百花松葉蟹鉗 ($276 for two). The price should already give a hint that the crab claw is small, but the minced shrimp is at least tasty, with good bouncy texture. There are some scallops mixed with the shrimp meat to add a bit more sweetness, paired with a sweet and sour sauce, with a slice of pear at the bottom. Decent only.Another appetizer we order is Pan-fried Frog Legs, Premium Light Soy Sauce 本地頭抽煎田雞腿 ($198). The frog legs are quite big and very meaty, pan-fried beautifully to golden brown colour, very good in taste. I cannot stop eating and even want to order another one because of how good it is. Definitely my favourite dish in the evening.Then we have soups, with each of us ordering our own choice. My wife has picked Double-boiled Pork Lung Soup, Fish Maw, Snow Lotus Seed, Fresh Almond Cream 鮮杏汁花膠雪蓮子燉白肺湯 ($328). Having a very rich almond note, the soup is thick from the fish maw and very delicious, with the pork lung cleaned thoroughly and without any weird taste. The better of the two soups.My choice is Hot and Sour Soup, Matsuba Crab Meat, Mushroom, Egg White 松葉蟹玉子酸辣羹 ($248). The chef has made a special touch in putting some egg white to the soup, making it smoother on the palate. The soup is certainly spicy, making me sweat profusely. The taste is quite nice but perhaps will not be suitable unless you are a big spicy fan.The main course is Sauteed Spotted Garoupa Fillet, Morel Mushroom, Dried Flounder Fish, Honey-glazed Yunnan Ham 甫魚蜜餞雲腿羊肚菌炒東星斑球 ($568). On one side of the dish are some sliced Chinese ham that has a good balance of sweet and saltiness, steamed well so that they are not hard and easy to chew. The garoupa fillet is nicely sauteed, tender and moist, with some morel mushroom and asparagus. The dried flounder adds umami and also bridges the flavours of the ham and fish. A creative combination with good effect. Very nice.For dessert, I have Chilled Mango Pudding, Champagne Gelee, Pomelo, Sago, Coconut Juice 香檳啫喱芒果布甸配椰汁柚子西米露 ($108). A fancy presentation, the pudding is placed on a glass bowl with dried ice, with mist continually seeping out in a surreal manner. Each of the component is nice, and the combination of the different texture of pudding, jelly and sago being the highlight.My wife has the more traditional dessert of Sweetened Almond Cream, Egg White, Sesame Dumpling 生磨蛋白杏仁茶湯丸 ($78). A good serving of rich almond cream, not too sweet, with the dumpling chewy and delicious. Another good dessert.The service is decent, with the staff attentive and courteous, and I appreciate they remind us about a credit card discount so that we can enjoy a 15% off, with the bill on the night being $1,949 which is reasonable. A good spot to enjoy some nice Chinese food in a comfortable setting, and they still deliver to my memory of good quality, with some innovative dishes as well.
開業多時,但一路都沒有嘗試,眼見近來在香港也很久沒有走上中餐廳,上網八卦一下價錢亦都符合自己,加個網上預訂就成為了當日的午餐。。。當日是叫上套餐,前菜:金箔蝦餃:峰巢荔芋角/黑松露野菌餃,三款都感覺中中平平,開場序以見無特色,心沉了一會⭐️⭐️⭐️蝦子鮑汁香煎百花元貝皇,這一份嘴巴裏完完整整感覺是一份蝦膠煎餅,加上濃烈的醬汁,繼續用手上的刀叉去品嚐⭐️⭐️⭐️蠔皇八頭湯鮑伴鮮蔬,再來繼續舌頭的測試,腦袋裏浮現着新年親人送上的鮑魚禮盒裝,一切再切,很快便沽清,醬汁也是濃稠中不顯特色⭐️⭐️⭐️瑤柱濃湯蒜子泡菜苗,這一份呈上面前的時候簡直恍如廚餘一般(大兜亂)這個也不重要,重要的是鹹到一個沸點,難忍之下舉起雙手,侍應很快便走上前來告知一切之後,給我讓廚房換上新的一碟,換上的一碟好了一點點?是鹹味道還是擺盤?繼續無語地吃下去⭐️⭐️薑蔥銀芽撈鮮蝦雲吞,這一款深信是全枱套餐之中較為可以令自己眼睛擦亮了一會,蝦肉彈牙整體合格⭐️⭐️⭐️當日的甜品是紅豆沙一道,完全無心的一道,跟置身於茶樓一般沒有分別,吃過兩羹徐徐放下⭐️⭐️⭐️套餐HK$568.整體而言由頭到尾我都沒有感覺到置身於酒店中菜廳之內,只不過可能是一間高階的餐廳而言⋯⋯茶芥每位HK$60.一坐低已經急不及待地呼喚,想看多一會餐牌上的茶品都沒有時間。可能由於他們是午市以All you can eat作主打,,即一個價錢可以任食的點心餐為主力,所以在套餐擺力全忽略,不作其他中菜廳比較也感到絕對要有努力空間。
位於尖沙咀的米芝蓮推介當代粵菜食府 — 國金軒,由得獎名廚鄧浩宏師傅主理,多年來屢獲米芝蓮指南推介,入選《南華早報》「100 Top Tables」及Trip Advisor卓越認證大獎,更屢獲Wine Spectator「最佳卓越大奬」,以及Trip.com 2024 Trip.Best Asia 100,備受百分百肯定。中菜行政總廚主廚鄧浩宏師傅一直致力傳承粵菜精髓,以精湛烹調技巧,精巧手藝及創意,巧手融匯時令頂級食材,切合隨時代而轉變的環保和養生飲食文化,為饕客呈獻奢華精緻,細膩和諧的當代粵菜。聚物天美、老饕垂青 $1188/位🦋黑魚子百花釀乳豬香口酥脆的乳豬皮下釀入彈牙的鮮甜蝦膠,口感豐富,脆不膩口,配合矜貴的魚子醬點綴,帶出鹹鮮香味,色香味俱全。🦋鮮杏汁花膠雪蓮子燉白肺湯嚴選本地新鮮豬肺、排骨、雞肉及雞腳,配合梅頭肉、花膠、每日鮮磨杏汁、雲南雪蓮子熬製而成,真材實料,滋補養顏,啖啖滿滿骨膠原。🦋黑松露鍋巴百花元貝皇|欖菜辣子爆澳洲龍蝦 (+$300)重量級的元貝皇釀入鮮甜爽彈的蝦膠,底下以酥脆的炸鍋巴承托住,帶來一軟一脆的口感交雜,配搭黑松露忌廉醬汁,滿口奶油香氣久未散去,真是令人回味無窮。靈感源於避風塘炒法,以欖菜炸香至乾身取代炸蒜,加入雲南辣椒乾、自家製淮鹽和紹酒爆炒增添無窮風味,搭配彈牙嫩滑的澳洲龍蝦肉,必食推介。🦋脆皮法國乳羊腩配黑芝麻醬及腐乳醬選取來自法國的乳羊,先以十款秘製香料醃製再炸得香氣撲鼻,酥脆肉嫩,襯托口味和諧融合的黑芝麻醬及腐乳醬,帶來難以抗拒的味蕾衝擊。🦋鮑汁蝦籽扣柚皮經典傳統的手工粵菜,師傅提前3-4日耐心處理柚皮,完全不帶苦澀味,再以鯪魚、蝦米、薑蒜、金華火腿等慢火熬煮柚皮,最後灑上來自本地大澳海鮮場的蝦籽及淋上鮑汁芡,入口鬆化,充份表現師傅誠意及心思。🦋上湯本地珠龍伊府麵外層彈牙、內裡嫩滑的龍蝦,加入上湯,配搭上等伊麵,麵條完美地吸收了龍蝦精華,滿載鮮味,帶來不絕驚喜。🦋生磨蛋白杏仁茶湯丸🦋國金軒新疆棗皇糕最後以甜而不膩的傳統中式甜點,溫和暖胃,為華麗的盛宴畫上完美句號。
屋企長輩生日,一直都未試過國金軒,見到佢多年米芝蓮又book到位,咁就試吓啦。週日餐廳午餐分兩個時段,我哋係食尾場1pm1pm左右安排座位並且叫茶,一壺鐵觀音加一壺滾水,相信一般普通茶樓都可以handle到吧?大約20 分鐘,套餐既頭盤已經放係預備桌上,但係水都冇飲過一啖。多次催促壺茶先至到,壼水就梗係冇影啦。但係席上有人唔飲茶,又要再催多次,心知不妙。套餐頭盤,跟住上桌既3件點心,不差但很難理解點解可以攞米芝蓮。之後再上既國金老火湯,應該頭輪午餐都有很多食客,席上大家出嚟食咗咁多年野,都以「關東煮」來形容這個湯。印象深刻既係蒜子菜苗,大家看圖感受,這個預先把白菜剪碎的方法,我以為自己去國金軒食剩菜添!由於長輩生日,預留5件壽桃包並得到WhatsApp 確認。上桌時只有3件,追問之下話廚房蒸漏咗。如果一些很注重這些禮節的長輩,真係有點兒那個吧!成餐飯都令人大開眼界!餐飲業有時不要問為什麼港人不熱衷留港消費,付出的與收到的不成正比,大家都消費者,點樣撐你?