Exit A1/ L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (4)
Known for having one of the best Xiao Long Baos in Hong Kong, this Taiwanese star has never let customers down. The founder Bingyi Yang started off in the oil business, until he and his wife started their own dumpling business (Xiao Long Bao). continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Beijing, Sichuan, Shanghai Restaurant (2009-10, 2013-16), Best Restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui (2009-2012), MICHELIN Bib Gourmand (2023-2024)
Good For
Business Dining
Group Dining
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Kid-friendly Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (874)
前幾日同朋友去尖沙咀,剩低唯一一間鼎泰豐,因為掛住啲小籠包同埋湯麵,點知入到去,發覺原有嗰啲好舒服嘅卡位座位都已經改晒,裝修過,變成好多方枱位,再冇得好舒適咁五、六個人,自成一國,傾吓食吓,就已經有啲失望,坐低叫咗招牌小籠包、湯麵、炒飯等等,首先發覺小籠包啲水準真係下降咗好多,小籠包嘅餡料以前非常鮮味,湯汁亦都好豐富,而家包皮厚咗,包餡裏面的鮮肉餡亦都變得好鬆散,肉汁亦都唔夠鮮味,然後再嚟咗一個清燉牛腱湯麵,以前啲清湯係好有牛肉味,但係唔油膩,好清,真係可以飲,而家覺得嗰種鮮味已經少咗好多,反而多咗嘅係調味料嘅味,牛腱就不過不失,份量亦都OK,但係呢湯麵就真係唔得啦,以前嗰啲湯麵係彈牙同埋爽口嘅,而家嗰啲黐成一團,即使加咗湯汁,之後再泡過,都係冇咗以前嘅水準,另外一個蝦仁炒飯,就叫做係最保持到,蝦仁雖然唔係新鮮蝦,食得出係雪藏嘅,但係起碼都夠大隻,同埋說雪得來都係鮮甜,炒飯好乾身,加咗蛋之後好有質感,香口有蛋味,係幾個點嘅餸裏面,最能夠保持水準嘅。雖然下午茶嘅時段人流好少,招呼亦都唔錯,不過因為覺得試過嘅食物啲水準都跌咗好多,裝修又再冇以前咁舒服,所以下次應該唔會再去啦,除非係去返佢喺台灣嘅本店啦,否則都係試過第二間算吧啦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-01
晚餐唔知食乜嘢好,行吓行吓就去到呢一間,鼎泰豐,見到佢哋都唔需要等位等好耐,就決定食佢啦,因為尖沙咀實在太多人啦,去到邊度都要等位。講返頂泰豐佢哋嘅食物先,真係有好多唔同嘅選擇,小籠包,一定要叫啦,最估唔到嘅係,今次竟然叫咗個流沙奶皇包,意想不到咁好味。仲有佢哋嘅醉雞嘅酒味係非常之濃郁。之後仲有佢哋出名嘅豬扒炒飯牛肉麵等等全部都係出名嘅台式食物。總括而言味道真係非常之好。晚餐如果揀咗鼎泰豐,值得嘅。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-06-22
今日約咗啲親友食飯,諗住搵一間 有水準嘅中餐廳同啲親友食 聚餐, 之前都聽人講鼎泰豐 屬於中餐 廳 嘅名牌, 今日一於嚟試下尖沙咀嘅鼎泰豐 位於新港中心3樓, 地方好大, 枱與枱之間 都有一定距離所以唔會太嘈吵。 餐牌上都多選擇 價錢唔算好貴, 不過原來好細碟每樣好似前菜咁 嘅size😅, 我哋四個人叫咗十幾碟 唔同嘅餸菜。台式四季豆: 肉燥 味濃 唔會太鹹, 加埋四季豆一齊食好夾 豆嘅質地煮得啱啱好 ,好味👍四季烤麩:味道調教得啱啱好 又入味👍台式牛肉麵: 牛肉份量 適中, 但係牛筋好硬 牛肉 有啲鞋, 面質好淋, 呢款唔推薦👎蝦仁炒蛋飯: 蝦仁 份量都多 大大粒, 唔會太鹹, , 米飯炒得唔算好乾身 但 都 好食👍紹興酒醉雞: 酒味唔算好濃, 對於我平時唔飲酒嘅人嚟講 可以接受, 雞肉入味。👍其他餸菜不過不失整體嚟講: 食物都好食 不過唔係 特別 出眾, 以呢個價錢嚟講 ,係有啲失望嘅 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-13
Just ordered take away from Din Tai Fung. My favorite dish, the xiaolongbao, was just as delicious as always. The sour spicy soup were perfectly steamed and fired rice with pork chop and a veggie with broth. the hot and sour soup, which had just the right amount of spice and tanginess. The pork chop fried rice was another standout dish, with tender pieces of pork and fragrant rice. The vegetables were a nice addition to the meal, providing a healthy balance to the other dishes. Din Tai Fung maybe not is the best, but always keep in this high-quality! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-19
台灣最出名台式點心專門店鼎泰豐,位於台北市區,深受本地人和遊客喜愛。餐廳承襲傳統烹調技法,做工精緻。餐廳內採光好,環境清新整潔。除了台灣名點外,也融合新的概念,如以絲瓜和朱古力詮釋小籠包,為客人帶來新鮮口感。多年來餐廳持續揚名,被評為米其林指南推薦餐廳,成為台北必遊景點之一。它保存了台式點心的經典,也在傳統基礎上不斷滋潤,成就餐廳長青的美譽。餐廳名字:鼎泰豐 信義店餐廳地址:台北市大安區 鼎泰豐 信義店第一道菜式:排骨炒飯 肥嫩排骨帶來肉香、飯粒每一粒都包裹其中第二道菜式:紅油蝦肉抄手 新鮮蝦肉和軟Q抄手以紅油調合出獨特口感 第三道菜式:什錦豆干絲 不同種類的豆乾絲質感各異共同演繹嶄新視角 第四道菜式:特色小籠包 外形小巧內含豐富餡料夠满一批 第五道菜式:絲瓜蝦肉小籠包 絲瓜清新的口感與蝦肉相得益彰 第六道菜式:朱古力小籠包 誰人不愛的香甜小籠包試問 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)